WEBINAR – Diffusion Model: Foundations And Applications In NLP

About our speaker:

Nguyen Duc Thang (AI Resident, Batch 1) Nguyen Duc Thang currently works as an AI Resident (Batch 1) of FPT Software AI Residency. He holds a degree in Talented Engineering of Applied Mathematics and Informatics from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Vietnam. His main research interests lie in the fields of natural language processing and error detection. In addition, he also conducts research on the Diffusion model and its potential applications in the field of natural language processing.


The Diffusion model has recently emerged as a cutting-edge deep generative model, challenging the long-standing dominance of Generative adversarial networks (GANs) and demonstrating potential in diverse fields, including computer vision, natural language processing, and robust machine learning.

In the field of computer vision, the Diffusion model has achieved notable success by producing high-quality images that outperform GANs. Examples of its success include DALLE-2, MidJourney, Imagen, and other prominent applications.

Ongoing research and development of the Diffusion model are being conducted in a range of fields and applications, such as Text-To-Audio, Temporal Data Modeling, and Natural Language Processing (NLP). During his presentation, Mr. Thang will provide an overview of the model and its NLP research applications, aimed at further exploring the potential of the Diffusion model in NLP.


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