Explore how we adopt AI to create what used to be impossible.


Since the very first projects 10 years ago, FPT’s AI services have been helping organizations streamline,
unlock the potential and conquer new heights. Never content with the status operations,
we constantly improve, innovate and tailor our projects to best suit the changing business climate.

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70 +
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400 +

Projects by industries

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1 Using AI in auto-parking Transportation N/A
2 Using AI to inspect product surfaces Manufacturing Computer Graphics Rendering
3 Using AI to estimate traffic flow Transportation N/A
4 Using AI to detect sleepy driver while driving Automotive Active Contour
5 Using AI to detect license plate Transportation N/A
6 Using AI to detect the difference between wiring harness diagrams to optimize automotive design and manufacturing efforts Automotive Graph Matching, OCR, YOLO
7 Using AI in image segmentation among road for vehicle, pavement for pedestrian Public Cascade Classifier, CNN, Multiple People Tracking, YOLO
8 Using sensor-fusion and AI / Deep Learning in automous driving Automotive Behavioral Cloning, CNN, Depth Camera, Embedded, GPS, Lidar, Reinforcement Learning
9 CATIA model judgement (building AI models to justify the completeness of automotive parts CAD diagrams compared with their clay model images) Automotive Feature Engineering + CNN
10 Using AI to recognize 128 key points of human faces from videos on dash camera Manufacturing Automotive N/A
11 Using sensor-fusion and AI / Deep Learning in automous driving Automotive Behavioral Cloning, CNN, Depth Camera, Embedded, GPS, Lidar, Reinforcement Learning
12 Bulk Material Combustion Warning System using thermal camera Manufacturing LSTM
13 Using AI to transform raster images to vector format Manufacturing CNN Hough Transform, Graph Theory
14 Using AI to detect smoke and fire Manufacturing, Public N/A
15 Using AI to detect soldering defects in electric circuits; rust; defects on surfaces of products Manufacturing Anomaly Detection, CNN, DCGAN
16 Causality Inference (Research, implement and write report on the survey data) Productivity Tool Causal Generative Neural Networks(CGNN), Pytorch, Structural Agnostic Model (SAM)
17 Anomaly detection for values in databases Banking Algorithms: variance, standard deviation, z-score
18 Neural machine translation with attention Productivity Tool Bi-direction RNN, LSTM
19 Using AI to extract data from house design drawings Construction OCR
20 Causality Inference (Research, implement and write report on the survey data) Productivity Tool Causal Generative Neural Networks(CGNN), Pytorch, Structural Agnostic Model (SAM)